Abstract Submission Guidelines and Award Eligibility

TSANZ 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) 16-18 June, 2024 - Melbourne Convention Centre

Abstract submission OPENS December 1, 2023 and CLOSES February 26, 2024

Only listed authors can present - If a listed author is unable to present, the abstract will be withdrawn

Abstract Submission

  • NON-MEMBERS can submit an abstract. HOWEVER, you will be ineligible for any awards as only current financial members of the Society who meet the eligibility for awards can apply

  • MEMBERS MUST BE FINANCIAL before submitting an abstract, otherwise you will not be able to upload your documents

  • Before starting the online submission process, have all the submission information and the abstract Word.docx document ready.

  • Abstracts MUST be formatted as a Word document, fit on a single A4 page (including figures) and uploaded ONLY in .docx format. See formatting details below.

  • If you are a member, enter your login name and password. If you are not a member, you will need to create a login.

  • You will be able to submit one or more abstracts, review and edit the information you have entered and add additional documents until the closing submission date. However, should you need to replace a previously uploaded abstract, please email [email protected].

  • An automatic reply email will be forwarded once you have uploaded your abstract to indicate that your submission was successful. Please retain this email for your records.

IMPORTANT: Please proofread all information carefully as Author, Title and Institution information will appear in the Program and Abstract Book exactly as entered on the submission form.

Submissions from Industry employees

TSANZ has adapted the guidelines of The Transplantation Society (TTS) for Industry abstract submissions:

  • A listed author for each abstract must present at the TSANZ ASM. If a listed author is unable to present, the abstract will be withdrawn

  • The submitted abstracts may include contents relating to basic or clinical science research (e.g., pre-clinical research, drug discovery, observational study, clinical trials) or the processes/methodologies of research, themselves unrelated to a specific disease or compound/drug, and the abstract is not related to clinical applications of the research/discovery or clinical recommendations concerning the business lines or products of their employer. However, only abstracts deemed to be relevant in or directly related to the field of transplantation will be considered.

  • Abstracts solely from employees of commercial interests that are selected for oral or poster presentation will be subject to an additional rigorous review to guard against presentation of content that is related to clinical recommendations concerning the business lines or products of the employer.

Encore Presentations

  • Not possible if already published in peer reviewed manuscript. However, possible if additional new information (not contained in the manuscript)

  • Not possible if accepted for publication or published at time of abstract submission

Online Submission Requirements - complete all the fields

  • Abstract title: enter the title in the appropriate section of the submission form using all CAPITAL LETTERS. This CANNOT EXCEED 128 characters (inclusive of spaces)

  • Authors section: The presenting author’s name should be entered first. Click on Add Author to enter others.

    • Organisation: Choose from the drop-down list or type your details into the fields provided. If entering more than one institution/organisation, you will need to select the first one from the dropdown box add a comma, and type the other affiliations. A total of 4 may be entered per author.

  • Next section: Department, Organisation, Country and State: Please reconfirm the details of the presenting author

  • Conflict Declaration: clearly declare

Abstract Format: Size, Presentation and Content

  • Page setup: One A4 page (including figures) with top and bottom margins of 2.54cm and left and right margins of 3.17cm

  • Font: Times New Roman, 10 point, single spacing

  • Title: Include the title on your abstract using all CAPITAL LETTERS . This CANNOT EXCEED 128 characters (inclusive of spaces)

  • Authors: DO NOT include authors on your abstract Word document. Author details are ONLY to be entered in the appropriate section of the online submission form.

  • Abstract: the abstract should comprise a SINGLE PARAGRAPH with sectional headings in bold: e.g. Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Symbols whether in the title or text must be in Times New Roman font, not Symbol font. Present sufficient data to support conclusions – it is unsatisfactory to use statements such as “data will be presented” or “results will be discussed”. Standard scientific abbreviations may be used – non standard abbreviations should be included in parentheses after the first use of the full word. Abstracts MUST BE one A4 page (including figures) and can ONLY BE uploaded in .docx format

  • Word count: the abstract should not exceed 250 words (excludes title, table, graph or figure). A maximum of one table, graph OR figure can be included per abstract. Abstracts that exceed these limits risk not being considered for award categories or presentation and may be returned for rewriting.

  • Graphs/figures: ensure graphs and figures can be read and understood in black and white.

  • Spelling and grammar: proofread the abstract. Submitted material will be published in the Program and Abstract Book and Transplantation Direct (if so indicated) therefore, the abstract should contain no errors.

Presentation - only listed authors can present

Scientific and Clinical Abstracts of sufficient standard will be selected on merit for any of three types of presentations: oral, mini oral or poster presentations.

President's Prize Symposium - Orals will be allocated 10 minutes presentation and 5 minutes Q & A.

Free Communications Sessions - Orals will be allocated 12 minutes presentation and 3 minutes Q & A.

Mini orals will be allocated 4 minutes presentation and 1 minute Q & A

Poster presentations - Must be A0 size (841mm x 1189mm) in portrait orientation and set up between Sunday lunchtime and Monday morning where they will be displayed until Monday evening. Velcro/pins will be provided. Presenters must be present at the Poster viewing Sessions (Monday morning tea and lunchtime) to answer any questions from delegates. Prizes will be awarded for Best Poster (Clinical and Basic Science)

Awards - only current financial members of the Society who meet the eligibility can apply

The President’s Prizes (Clinical Research and Basic Science) and Early Career Researcher Awards